Monday, June 4, 2012

Bee Vlog - June 2, 2012

Hive weigh-in
Queen Anne: 102.5 lbs (+11.6 lbs from last week, not counting weight of additional box)
Queen Beatrice (swarm): 38 lbs (starting weight, approx. 3 lbs of bees)

I was asked to give more information on the hive stand, so here it is.

Video Link

After combining the dying colony with the healthy one I was curious to see how progress was coming along in the 3rd box. It looked like they were using it mostly for honey, which is fine, but I wanted the brood nest to expand up into the 3rd box. So I'll be moving some frames up to continue the pyramid in the next video.

Video Link

Well, this was a complete surprise, to find queen cups! I never expected them to do anything like this just 2 months after I installed them from a package. They've got plenty of room, so I can't understand why they'd want to swarm. The queen is doing very well so I can't see why they'd want to supersede her. It's quite a puzzle for me. But I think I have an idea of how to deal with this if things progress to full capped queen cells.

Video Link

The bees didn't like my waterer with the rocks and the tray. I never saw them use it and I never found any evidence of them using it. But they like the neighbor's dog's watering bowl. The neighbor is cool about it, but I still don't want to bother them (and any other neighbors that might not be so cool about it). So I put together a new waterer. The idea came from milapostal's video here. I really like this waterer. Let's hope the bees agree with me.

Video Link

I got another call for a swarm. Another easy location that didn't require a ladder. This location was also just a few blocks from where I caught my last swarm. It took me a little while to figure out how to catch it due to the complicated spot it was in, but I eventually worked it out.

Video Link

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